Inspection & Testing Services
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) or Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) terminologies are often used interchangeably within the inspection and testing industry. These methods are used to describe measurements which are more qualitative in nature such as locating the defect and measuring the severity of the identified problem (i.e. size, shape and orientation).
The field of NDT is fairly broad and in many cases a combination of several NDT methods are required to complete an inspection procedure, hence understanding the application of each testing principle is critical, especially prior to initiation of test. Our team of experts, can help identify the most applicable test principles for various application requirements in order to protect against the potential catastrophic events whilst improving efficiently and reducing downtime.
Engineering safety has a dedicated and fully qualified ISO 9712 NDT level 3 team covering the following inspection disciplines:
- Radiography
- Manual ultrasonics
- Dye penetrant inspection
- Phased array ultrasonic testing
- Time of flight diffraction
Our team of experienced NDT engineers can also provide comprehensive ad-hoc support for the following inspection methods:
- Visual testing
- Magnetic particle inspection
- Eddy current inspection
- Alternating current field measurement
- Acoustic emission