Functional Safety Services
Compliance to the international Standards such as IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 are imperative to meeting the Functional Safety requirements for many processes and have formed part of the quality management systems of many companies. Provision of Functional Safety Services in line with the Phases and Activities detailed in the Safety Life-cycle is an area in which our consultants have demonstrated to have vast experience and expertise.
Functional Safety services can be categorised into 3 main areas:
- Management of Functional Safety for control and minimisation of Systematic Errors.
- Reliability assessment in terms of Random Hardware Failures.
- Architectural assessment and requirements for Hardware Fault Tolerance.
Input of expert consultancy services in Front End Engineering or Detailed Design stages are key in achieving Functional Safety. Support in procurement, design and implementation of Safety Instrumented Systems are imperative in meeting the safety requirements of a project. Engineering Safety can support you on all your functional safety requirements.
The following is an extraction from IEC 61508, which represents the simplified Safety Life Cycle.